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Kernz-huh? Could the perennial promise of Kernza benefit food, beer, and the world?

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Kernz-huh? Could the perennial promise of Kernza benefit food, beer, and the world?

There’s a new-ish crop that’s been sprouting hopeful conversation in recent years.

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Patagonia Challenges Businesses to Eschew Lax Textile Standards, Support Regenerative Agriculture

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Patagonia Challenges Businesses to Eschew Lax Textile Standards, Support Regenerative Agriculture

Purpose-driven US outdoor clothing giant Patagonia is calling for business leaders to back regenerative organic agriculture, claiming that certain textile standards are “not going far enough.”

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Patagonia wants to save the world through beer and buffalo jerky

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Patagonia wants to save the world through beer and buffalo jerky

Beer and buffalo jerky may not be the first tools that come to mind for confronting the environmental crisis.

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Earth-friendly beer from Patagonia and Hopworks is perfect for nature lovers

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Earth-friendly beer from Patagonia and Hopworks is perfect for nature lovers

Beer and the great outdoors share a special relationship, but seldom do those two industries intermingle. That is why the newly released Long Root Ale made us take notice; it is the result of a partnership between Patagonia and Portland, Oregon-based Hopworks Urban Brewery.

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Earth-friendly beer from Patagonia and Hopworks is perfect for nature lovers

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Earth-friendly beer from Patagonia and Hopworks is perfect for nature lovers

America’s favorite fleecewear outfitter, Patagonia, has released a beer to help stop climate change.

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